Foot Pain in Pregnancy
The last thing you want to worry about when you are pregnant is your feet, but pregnancy can lead to problems that affect both your feet...

Flat Feet in Pregnancy
The most common foot problem in pregnancy is over-pronation or the flattening of the arch. This leads to pain in the heel, arch or balls...

Exercise in pregnancy how much is enough?
Even if you did nothing before you were pregnant its important to do some exercise for a healthy pregnancy. But how much should you do?...

Exercise in pregnancy, how much is too much?
It's hard enough to keep fit any time but when you're pregnant things get confusing. Doing some exercise is healthy for you and your...

Swollen Feet in Pregnancy
During pregnancy it's very common to experience swollen feet as fluids can collect there especially if its hot or if you've been standing...

Swollen Feet in Pregnancy?
When you're pregnant you expect some swelling - but did you expect your feet to be such a problem? Read here what Babble recommend to...

I think my feet have grown....is that possible?
What we know at Souls is that yes your feet can grown in pregnancy, not just from swelling but actually in size forever! Read here how a...

Help from foot pain and discomfort in pregnancy.......
Read how Fiona found help from Souls with her foot pain during her third trimester of pregnancy and after her baby was born when she...

Souls Insoles a Treat for your Feet
Laura tried our insoles and found "a different level of comfort compared to anything I've worn before".......... "I’ve been trying these...

Helping in another pregnancy - 'More than JUST an insole'
Read here how Becca got on with our insoles in her second pregnancy: http://www.beccafarrelly.co.uk/supporting-feet-pregnancy-soles-insol...